University of Nebraska Medical Center

Article Plus 5 – September 2016

Spotlight Article

Team-based learning, as well as applied technology, have both been integral throughout the history of health care education. Should the two pieces be combined to create something greater than the sum of its parts, or are the pieces more effective when used independently? This review answers the debate, giving examples of TBL technology and the feedback of those who use it.

Article specifics: River J., Currie J., Crawford T, et al. (2016) A systematic review examining the effectiveness of blending technology with team-based learningNurse Education Today45, 185-192.  

Plus 5

Five other links to ed-tech resources or issues that you may be interested in:

  1. International journal: Teaching and Learning In Medicine. View yearly volumes and issues about medical education.
  2. Essential Apple Podcast 017: On nothing more than just an iPhone. This podcast instructs how to record, edit, and publish your own podcast using an iOS device
  3. Penn State: Student design partners at College of Medicine begin work on new curriculum. Read the story about a team of 5 students serving as design partners this year, becoming full-time COM students in Fall of 2017.  
  4. Pitfalls and Triumphs – what I learned from my year in Edtech. In this podcast, an EdSurge reporter shares his views on the current edtech landscape.  
  5. Science of Learning 101: 6 ways to remove pointless (but painful) effort from instruction. These methods are helpful for eliminating the bulk from your teaching workload.    

About the Author

Teresa “Teri” Hartman, MLS, is an associate professor in education and research at the McGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center. She shares information on Twitter, including public health, IPE, leadership, edtech, future tech, and higher education.

  thartman@unmc.edu  |   @thartman2u