University of Nebraska Medical Center

Article Plus 5 – December 2016

Spotlight Article

What impact will the use of clinical simulation have on the future of our students? In an effort to expand interprofessional collaboration and teamwork, UNMC conducted a program that put volunteer students into high stress, high stakes, but low risk simulation environments. Read this article and see the notable outcomes provided by this pilot program.

Article specifics: Carstens, P.; Adams, J.J.; Gannon, D.E.; Wadman, M.C.; Collier, D.S.; Miller, C.L.; Sample, J.F.; Brick, D.; Paulman, P.M. Development of an interprofessional student teaching simulation in team communication skills, Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, Volume 5, December 2016, Pages 23-25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2016.08.001.

Plus 5

Five other links to ed-tech resources or issues that you may be interested in:

  1. Incorporating (Good) Active Learning in the classroom. This blog post from The Learning Scientists is rich with links to resources that can increase active learning opportunities for your students. It also defines active learning terms such as attention, dual coding, retrieval practice, and elaboration.
  2. Higher-ed edtech conferences you need to know for 2017. Edsurge offers a free .pdf conference map that includes dates, locations, and descriptions of each conference’s ideal audience.
  3. Fun with augmented reality: This app (Android/iOS) turns the $1 bill into a tour of the White House.
  4. Using technology to teach the art of asking questions. This short article at the Stanford Social Innovation Review site describes use of the Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment (SMILE) to encourage critical thinking. Accessible via the web or through a Raspberry Pi, the program is for students and adults of all ages to create, present, exchange, answer, evaluate, and reflect on questions.
  5. The best free software for writers. This post includes links to resources such as screenwriting software, collaboration software, and an internet typewriter.

About the Author

Teresa “Teri” Hartman, MLS, is an associate professor in education and research at the McGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center. She shares information on Twitter, including public health, IPE, leadership, edtech, future tech, and higher education.

  thartman@unmc.edu  |   @thartman2u

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