University of Nebraska Medical Center

Article Plus 5 – June 2017

Spotlight Article

Faculty professors and instructors have a lot on their plates, especially when they’re first coming into their new career. The University of Rochester realized this, and created a week-long course specifically designed for those new to the field of education. Their report goes into the various aspects of the curriculum, learner experiences, and the overall outcome of the program.

Article specifics: Guillet, R., Holloway, R. G., Gross, R. A., Libby, K., & Shapiro, J. R. (2017). Junior faculty core curriculum to enhance faculty development. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 1(2), 77-82.

Plus 5

Five other links to ed-tech resources or issues that you may be interested in:

  1. 7 Sensational Graphic Design Resources. Linda Love shares links for easy to use graphic design platforms. All these are useful resources you can take advantage of to add graphics to your course materials.
  2. The 74 Interview-Ulrich Boser on understanding the science of learning. The author of the helpful book, “Learn Better,” provides an interview covering knowledge, critical thinking, low-stakes testing, the evidence, and more.
  3. Book Creator. This iPad app ($4.99) allows teachers and students to create, view and share interactive ebooks on iBooks store, Google Play, and YouTube.
  4. Is your focus on “technology” or better ways of teaching and learning? Does adding technology truly lead to deeper learning for students? See the author’s suggestions about focusing on innovation instead.
  5. A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers. This book covers the understanding of medical school leadership and calls upon medical teachers as agents of change.

About the Author

Teresa “Teri” Hartman, MLS, is an associate professor in education and research at the McGoogan Library of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center. She shares information on Twitter, including public health, IPE, leadership, edtech, future tech, and higher education.

  thartman@unmc.edu  |   @thartman2u

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