University of Nebraska Medical Center

Student Update: Fall 2013

UNMC Student Fall Update from Information Technology Services (ITS)

Welcome new and returning students.  Listed below are a few information technology highlights for 2013-2014. ITS will also be offering two overview presentations on 8/22 from 1:30-2:15 and 2:30-3:15 in 2018 Sorrell bldg (MSC). You can also view the PowerPoint presentation and notes as well as the recorded session here to assist for the coming year.

Use Secured Wireless Network When on the Omaha/Lincoln Campuses

Students should use the Secured Wireless Network, called TK-421, when working on the Omaha and Lincoln campuses. TK-421 is a closed wireless network for UNMC staff and student use.  It offers faster speeds and security than the guest network which is available to any visitor to the campuses. A one-time setup is required, and you will use your UNMC NetID and Password for this setup, see the Setup Instructions

Drop in Help sessions

8/22 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Student Life Center Gym (table during New Student Fair)

8/26 from 1-3 College of Pharmacy computing cluster, room 2003

8/28 from 2-4 Sorrell Commons 3rd floor cluster area (near lockers)


UNMC uses the Microsoft Outlook/Exchange email system.  Your email is accessible from your laptop, smartphone or tablet.  To access your email

  • Computer Cluster or UNMC Secured Wireless (TK-421):
  • Other Wireless Networks:  https://secure.unmc.edu/unmc
  • Smartphones & Tablets:  Please visit http://www.unmc.edu/its/mobile_devices.htm for setup instructions for a smartphone, ipad or other notepad.

Outlook Web Email training session – 8/28 from 1-2 p.m., 8011 Wittson Hall

Blackboard Mobile

UNMC uses the Blackboard course information system – my.unmc.edu.  The primary access to this is available via the Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari web browsers.  This is freely available for use.

There is also a mobile app available for Blackboard, this app provides access to a subset of the functions of Blackboard.  Primarily it provides access to documents, announcements, etc, detail on the app is available in your devices store if it is available.  Students can purchase the Blackboard Mobile app through the Apple or Droid store at a cost of $2.00 per year or $6.00 for a perpetual license, this includes updates as they become available.

Student Printing

UNMC provides printing for students at 4 locations on the Omaha campus; at Sorrell, the College of Pharmacy, the UNMC Library 6th floor and 8th floor cluster locations. Each student is given 500 pages of printing per semester.  If a student needs to print more than 500 sheets, they can purchase additional pages at a rate of $.05 per sheet with a minimum purchase of 100 sheets.  Using dual side printing allows one to print 2 pages on one sheet of paper for the $.05 charge reducing your cost and saving paper.  You can request additional pages. To request additional pages go to http://app1.unmc.edu/forms/its/printing/printing.cfm.

SAS for Students

If you need the SAS statistical software for your coursework, students can purchase the SAS statistical software using a credit card for ($25).  Once payment is received, information will be provided on how to access and install the software.  The link can be found on the main ITS page “Student Resources” and under “Software Downloads” on the quick links.

Direct Link:  http://app1.unmc.edu/forms/its/sas_license/request.cfm


If your password has expired or you forgot your password, go to https://www.unmc.edu/its/services/accounts/index.html. Do NOT change your password from Outlook Web Access options or other system options, as that does not change the password on the other systems. Changing at the ID/passwords link will synchronize with all systems.

If you have a name change, students must show marriage license or other legal document to Student Services before contacting ITS. After it has been changed in the student information system, you can contact ITS to request a change. Click here for more information: https://www.unmc.edu/its/services/accounts/namechange.html


 Additional Assistance for the coming year.

For assistance, please contact the ITS Helpdesk



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