University of Nebraska Medical Center

Canceled Conferences: Cite and share your work

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has affected nearly every aspect of our daily life. Don’t let your hard work get left behind. If you were scheduled to present at a conference that has been canceled follow these steps to ensure your work is properly cited and shared.

Save and print this infographic as a reminder.

  1. Disseminate your peer-reviewed, accepted abstract and related information, including your completed poster/presentation, at:
    UNMC Digital Commons:  https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/

    *This is an open repository for the University of Nebraska Medical Center and is indexed by Google Scholar, making the work available to a national/international audience. For assistance contact any UNMC librarian.

  2. List the citation on your CV as you normally would for something that was accepted, and add the link to where your scholarly work has been disseminated. This applies to scholarship presentations of accepted peer-reviewed work impacted by Covid-19 cancellations.

    Love, L. M. & Smith, X. Y. (2020, July). The title of my amazing work. 2020 Group on Faculty Affairs Professional Development conference, Portland, OR. Due to Covid-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed abstract and/or presentation was disseminated on <insert date> at <insert Digital Commons link>.

    For more examples of how to cite canceled or postponed presentations on your CV, check out this post on the APA Style Blog:  https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/canceled-conferences

  3. Include your conference acceptance email/letter in the scholarship section of your promotion portfolio.

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