University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Technology

COPH ED Tech Newsletter – October 18, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas course link validator, XMind, and Loom! Learn more about validating active course links in canvas, generating ideas using collaboration tools with XMind and creating screencast videos using Loom. Select the following link to learn more and view the newsletter at https://www.smore.com/tsdku No ratings yet. Please […]

Oct 18, 2018

COPH ED Tech Newsletter – October 4, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas peer review, Vittle, and Vizia! Learn more about using peer review in the online classroom, creating whiteboard videos with Vittle and creating interactive videos with Vizia. Select the following link to learn more and view the newsletter at https://www.smore.com/1fdm7 No ratings yet. Please rate this […]

Oct 4, 2018

screenshot of the ed tech newsletter

COPH EDTech Newsletter – September 20, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas VidGrid integration, VideoAnt, and Trello! Learn more about using VidGrid to create videos in Canvas, annotating videos with VideoAnt and collaborating using Trellio. Select the following link to learn more and view the newsletter at https://www.smore.com/jgha1 No ratings yet. Please rate this Sample rating item

Sep 20, 2018

Image of COPH EdTech Newsletter

COPH ED Tech Newsletter – September 5, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas student analytics, Quizalize, and ZeeMaps. Learn more about viewing individual student analytics to see how your students are doing, creating formative quizzes using Quizalize and creating interactive maps using ZeeMaps. Select the following link to learn more and view the newsletter at https://www.smore.com/meq1v No ratings […]

Sep 6, 2018

COPH ED Tech Newsletter screenshot

COPH EDTech Newsletter – Aug 2, 2018

It is back to school time, and the COPH EdTech Newsletter has double the Canvas tools to help you get ready! In this edition, you can learn how to declutter your dashboard, add announcements to your home page, and check assignments for plagiarism using Turn It In. If three tips aren’t enough, you can also […]

Aug 7, 2018

screenshot of edtech newsletter

COPH ED Tech Newsletter – May 29, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas student grade book distribution graphs, Snapguide and Jellycam! Learn more about hiding grade distribution graphs from students, creating a visually appealing step by step guides and how to create a stop-motion video. Select the following link to learn more about the tools and view the […]

May 29, 2018

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COPH ED Tech Newsletter – April 18, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas course copy, Zoom, and EdPuzzle! Learn more about coping your old course content to your new course space, using Zoom for online office hours, meetings and webinars, and adding quizzing features, voiceovers to existing videos using EdPuzzle. Select the following link to learn more and […]

Apr 18, 2018

Ed Tech newsletter screenshot

Hidden Treasures: Lesser Known Secrets of Canvas

Join us as we explore some of the little-known Canvas secrets and tools that you can use to make your user experience more manageable in the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). In this session, we will share tools, tips, and tricks that will help you take your Canvas skills to the next level. We did […]

Mar 28, 2018

Canvas logo

COPH ED Tech Newsletter – March 16, 2018

This week the COPH Ed Tech Tools Newsletter spotlights Canvas Accessibility Checker, Sutori, and Nearpodize this! Learn more about checking your canvas content to see if it meets accessibility standards, creating visual stories with interactivity using Sutori and turning your Google presentations into interactive slides that you share on their devices and control from yours. […]

Mar 16, 2018

COPH ED TECH newsletter image

ZOOM Web Conferencing

To increase communication, capacity and empower both UNMC and Nebraska Medicine employees with global web conferencing needs, IT encourages the use of our licensed instance of ZOOM. Single sign-on makes it easy to set up and login from any internet connected device. All Telehealth users shall continue using Vidyo. To get started with a basic account, visit https://unmc.zoom.us/ and click […]

Mar 8, 2018

Zoom Logo