University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Clinical Teaching

Infographic: How to Create Discussion Opportunities

Here are some tips by Dr. Analisa McMillan to make sure you facilitate an impactful discussion that showcases your students’ critical thinking skills.

Mar 24, 2022

Incorporating Addiction Support Groups in Health Professional Education

As part of their professional education, I recommended that health professional students attend an open 12-step substance use disorder (SUD; aka addiction) support group or groups. Ideally, students should attend a program for those directly impacted with SUD’s such as Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), in addition to attending Al-Anon, a program for those impacted by another’s […]

Apr 19, 2017

Getting Students and Residents to THINK

Here are two favorite resources to engage students and residents in a different and creative way – beyond books, journal articles, and facts—to develop thinking, observation, and richer perspectives on the art and practice of healing, health, and wellness. Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine Pulse has an extensive collection of personal accounts of […]

Jan 5, 2017

Reality Shock for Nurses

Marlene Kramer coined the term “reality shock” with her 1974 groundbreaking book Reality Shock: Why Nurses Leave Nursing. This theory still holds true for those transitioning to practice today, 42 years later. Reality shock theorizes that those new to the nursing profession go through a learning and growing transition. This process is characterized by four […]

Oct 31, 2016

7 challenges for clinical educators to CONQUER

Clinical educators can derail in 7 key ways in the clinical setting.  Carry this list with you as a reminder: 1. Set clear LEARNING OBJECTIVES and EXPECTATIONS. 2. Teach at the correct LEVEL 3. Focus on PROBLEM SOLVING not fact memorization. 4. Engage learners in ACTIVE DIALOGUE.  “Telling” is not learning. 5. Observe and give […]

Oct 18, 2016

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