Category: Faculty Development
Wednesday Wisdom:Learning Through Dual Coding (part 5 in education series)
This is part 5 in our 6 part education series and covers enhancing learning using dual coding. What is Dual Coding? The Dual Coding theory supports the notion that there are two pathways for encoding information to memory – one verbal and one visual.1-3 This theory addresses the impact of extraneous cognitive load on learners […]
Apr 19, 2017

Incorporating Addiction Support Groups in Health Professional Education
As part of their professional education, I recommended that health professional students attend an open 12-step substance use disorder (SUD; aka addiction) support group or groups. Ideally, students should attend a program for those directly impacted with SUD’s such as Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), in addition to attending Al-Anon, a program for those impacted by another’s […]
Apr 19, 2017

Expand Your Teaching Skills with the MHPTT Program
The Master of Health Professions Teaching and Technology (MHPTT)* program, offered by the College of Allied Health Professions, is completed entirely online and provides health professions educators with a foundation in teaching and technology skills for successful instruction of health science students. Taught by an interprofessional faculty team, the program consists of core and elective courses […]
Apr 14, 2017

Spotlight Article What does it mean to “think critically,” especially in the context of health science? It is becoming apparent that education in this field is needing to shift from content memorization to the processes of thought itself, creating a need for the understanding of its methods. This article takes a look at critical thinking and breaks the methodology […]
Apr 12, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: Learning through Elaboration (part 4 in education series)
This is part 4 in our 6 part education series and covers learning through elaboration. What is learning through elaboration? Elaboration strategies make connections between different ideas, thus, helping students understand how seemingly disparate pieces of information are connected.1-3 There are a variety of strategies that can be used: mnemonics, rewriting, note-taking, comparisons, and self-questioning.4 How […]
Apr 12, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: Enhancing Learning Using Concrete Examples (part 3 in education series)
This is part 3 in our 6 part education series and covers enhancing learning using concrete examples. What is it learning using concrete examples? As novices, students often gain a false sense of confidence in their abilities to memorize new material. Using concrete, relevant, real life examples can help students understand abstract ideas and extend […]
Apr 5, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: Learning Through Retrieval Practice (part 2 in education series)
This is part 2 in our 6 part education series and covers learning through retrieval practice. What is retrieval practice? Retrieval practice is quite frankly quizzing. One of the reasons students request practice questions frequently is to test themselves. This has been proven to be an exceptional method for learning resulting in durable retention.1,2 How do […]
Mar 29, 2017

Give Learners Better Guided Notes for Recall and Retention
Teachers can better coach students on the science of learning and memory by using simple guided notes. Try this strategy while students are coming in to class, following a learning unit, or provide for use whenever students think they need it. You can also coach students on how and why to create their own guided notes. […]
Mar 24, 2017

CGEA Education Grant Proposals due Sept 30, 2017
The Call for the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Mini-Grant Proposals is now open. The CGEA seeks to promote scholarship in medical education and advance the community of scholarship within the Central region. A maximum award of $7,000 is available for multiple-institution projects and $5,000 for single-institution projects. Consistent with the requirements of scholarship, all […]
Mar 23, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: Enhancing Learning Using Spaced Practice (part 1 in education series)
This is part 1 in our 6 part education series and covers enhancing learning using spaced practice. What is spaced practice? The spacing effect is the phenomenon whereby learning is better when studying is spread out over time, as opposed to studying the same amount of content in a single session. There is significant evidence that spaced practice, […]
Mar 22, 2017

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