Category: Leadership
Infographic: 7 Ways Your Brain Can Stop You From Recruiting the Right Candidate
Whether or not you’re aware of it, you make thousands of decisions every day—around 35,000, to be exact. In any given moment, our brains are bombarded with tons of information that must be quickly processed, informing our decisions, both big and small. So, to keep up and be efficient, our brains take mental shortcuts. These […]
Dec 17, 2020

Infographic: Leading Beyond Your Level of Current Competence
Getting promoted usually brings to light a few areas in your job skills that need improvement. Here are three steps to excel in your new career.
Jun 24, 2020

Infographic: Managing Multiple Generations in Today’s Environment
For the first time in human history, there are four generations regularly interacting, making our workplaces and educational spaces truly intergenerational. Based on varied formative experiences, generational preferences, and perspectives, each generation has their own set of expectations for professional interactions. Here’s a brief infographic to help explain each generations personality (view a printable version of […]
Dec 10, 2019

THRIVE: Success strategies for the modern-day faculty member
A new resource is available to help faculty succeed! THRIVE is a collection of more than 50 ideas for fast, focused professional development, created by experts across UNMC — the people who walk in your shoes. One- to two-page briefs were designed to be absorbed and implemented immediately in your work as an educator, clinician, […]
Oct 16, 2019

The Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)
The Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) is an open platform for online/blended faculty and instructional designers to connect, find inspiration, and collaboratively contribute innovative online teaching strategies. Each TOPR entry is licensed for remixing under a Creative Commons license to maximize adoption and adaptations. The editors of TOPR are pleased to announce the new entries […]
Jan 14, 2019

What to look for in employees successful at flex work schedules
In modern health science education and academic medical centers, often not all the work is done at the work place. Technology and video conferencing have made remote working much more reliable, efficient and productive. But, not all employees or jobs are well-suited for working remotely. Leading organizations however, are developing creative and flexible work situations […]
Feb 18, 2018

Performance Reviews: Try the GROW Coaching Model
Performance review season is coming up and leaders may benefit from using COACHING techniques for better outcomes. The GROW model is outlined below with some sample coaching questions to incorporate into the dialogue. Goal(s) What would you like to get out of this discussion? What would be the most helpful for you to take away […]
Feb 15, 2018

Coaching: Developing Faculty and Academic Talent
COACHING for peak professional performance is making a strong appearance in academic health science organizations. But, use of the word coaching can be confusing with so many applications including life coaching, academic coaching, and peer coaching. The following infographic offers a snapshot of the defining features of TALENT DEVELOPMENT COACHING. Talent coaching is an investment in […]
Oct 10, 2017

Tips on Leading an Effective Meeting
Meetings are a part of life, but they don’t have to be a waste of time. Here is an infographic giving 5 tips to lead an effective meeting. Frank Pietrantoni, MS, is the director of Nebraska Medicine’s Office of Health Professions Education. He has experience in Leadership, Organizational Performance, Instructional Design/Technology and Six Sigma/Process Improvement. One […]
Aug 2, 2017

Article Plus 5 – June 2017
Spotlight Article Faculty professors and instructors have a lot on their plates, especially when they’re first coming into their new career. The University of Rochester realized this, and created a week-long course specifically designed for those new to the field of education. Their report goes into the various aspects of the curriculum, learner experiences, and the overall […]
Jun 9, 2017

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