Category: Leadership
Use Canva to add Pizzazz to Twitter
People ask me all the time how to make cool graphic elements for Twitter to enhance your 280 characters of text. Use Canva! Canva makes it so easy with their own learning, branding, and design videos all available for free and accessible 24/7. Use Canva to add pizzazz to your course’s social media discussions, your themed Twitter […]
May 15, 2017

Brain Science and Productivity
Make one simple change to harness brain power and productivity: Make your mobile calendar your ultimate time (and brain) protector. In an era of email, texting, virtual meetings, and Twitter, our brain is saturated with “connectivity.” Phones have become essential appendages that can transform into flashlights, reminders, scrapbooks, phone books, maps, libraries, and menus – […]
Mar 19, 2017

Visualizing Data and Information Made EASY!
In a digital society, an essential skill for leaders and educators is the ability to help the public, learners, and stake holders visualize and understand key information and data – quickly and easily. Venngage in an online product that gives you perfectly designed, professional quality templates – ready for you to add your information in a flash! No more hours […]
Feb 24, 2017

Get $35,000 a Year to Solve a “Wicked Problem”
Do you have an idea to improve health outcomes in communities across the country? The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Clinical Scholars National Leadership Program is now accepting applications. Applicants apply in multidisciplinary teams of two to five providers. Teams identify complex “wicked problems” compromising a culture of health in their communities and propose innovative, community-focused approaches […]
Jan 30, 2017

Boost Your Leadership Skills – Immediately
The rapid pace of health care requires strong, innovative leaders who are ready to shape the future of UNMC. Yet the many pressures faculty members frequently confront today affect their ability to impact an organization. To provide faculty with the critical leadership skills they need to play a meaningful role, UNMC Faculty Development offers iLEAD. […]
May 28, 2016

Why Do Leaders Win?
What universal characteristics define successful leaders? How does a leader’s childhood impact their leadership style? Why do highly principled leaders obtain better long-term business results than leaders who aren’t as principled? These are some of the topics covered in the book “Return on Character: The Real Reasons Leaders and Their Companies Win,” which describes the […]
May 10, 2016

Self-Destructive Language
You may be sabotaging your career and not even know it. Some phrases you use everyday can be having a negative effect on how people see you. Read this article, “Well Said! Self-Destructive Language,” on phrases to avoid and their friendlier alternatives — you’ll be speaking in a trustworthy fashion in no time at all!
Dec 4, 2015

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