Category: Technology
COPH ED Tech Newsletter – October 13, 2017
This week the COPH Ed Tech Newsletter spotlights Canvas course analytics, mySimpleshow, and Evernote. Click on the link to learn more!
Oct 13, 2017
COPH ED Tech Newsletter – Sept 28, 2017
This week the COPH Ed Tech Newsletter spotlights Turn it in on Canvas, TouchCast, and Quizizz. Click on the link to learn more!
Sep 28, 2017
Imagine Better MCQs with Images
As you construct your next multiple choice examination item, consider how you might be able to assess a student’s understanding of a concept in a novel way by using lab findings, clinical presentations, radiographic findings, written orders, or a photograph of a procedure. ExamSoft, our campus wide testing solution, allows us to use images in […]
Sep 27, 2017
7 Note Taking Apps: Pitch the Pen and Paper!
Keeping convenient, easily accessible notes can be a difficult task. Notebooks and papers are forgotten or lost while pens and pencils run dry or break. As luck often has it, times when you have a great idea are times you find yourself without the tools to jot it down. Many note taking applications eliminate these […]
Sep 14, 2017
8 Tools for Amplifying Your Twitter Experience
On a basic level, Twitter offers you a no-frills interface to use. The base website will get you by, but there are many ways to improve how you manage your Twitter interests. Check out these great services that can make Twitter more effective and better tailored to suit your needs. Tweetdeck Tweetdeck gives a more expansive […]
Sep 8, 2017
COPH ED Tech Newsletter – Sept 8, 2017
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter spotlights grade distributions in Canvas, Snip It, and KEEPVID. Click on the link to learn more!
Sep 7, 2017
#Hashtags: The Gateway to Twitter Connections
The dictionary defines a hashtag as a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic. But it is so much more than that. Hashtags are your gateway to connecting with people on Twitter to expand your digital reach and influence. Here’s everything you need […]
Aug 23, 2017
7 Ways Twitter Can Advance Your Career
Twitter is a social media platform that is gaining traction in academia. Not only is it a great way to connect with colleagues across the globe, it also helps you stay informed on the latest trends in research and education. Check out this infographic of 7 ways Twitter can help your career. About the Author Megan […]
Jul 26, 2017
Top 10 Reasons to Use the Anatomage Table
The Anatomage Table is a 3-D, life-sized, interactive anatomy tool being incorporated in the some of the world’s leading medical institutions, including the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Utilizing it in your curriculum can be one of the easiest decisions you should ever make. Here are our top 10 reasons to incorporate the Anatomage Table into […]
Jun 14, 2017
Create a YouTube Channel – Here’s Help
Contemporary teaching strategies often involve using videos in Canvas courses, quick phone or tablet videos, and/or MP4 videos made with PowerPoint. A YouTube channel can help collect and manage your teaching assets. Teacher’s Tech offers you a step-by-step video tutorial on how the create a YouTube channel to share with learners, residents, or other professionals. This video will […]
May 20, 2017
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