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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: Adobe Spark

Twitter Chat Basics

Twitter chats are great ways to connect with colleagues across the globe to share ideas, get help, and more. Watch this quick video covering Twitter chats 101 and how you can join in the conversation.

Jul 25, 2017

7 Sensational Graphic Design Resources

It’s getting easier and easier to add great graphics to your learning and networking platforms.  Here are some you can check out for FREE! Canva: https://www.canva.com/ Adobe Spark: https://spark.adobe.com Snappa: https://snappa.com/ Pixlr: https://pixlr.com/ Photopea: https://www.photopea.com/ PicMonkey: https://www.picmonkey.com/ Vectr: https://vectr.com/ Teacher’s Tech can help you get started with this quick start (15 min.) video:

May 10, 2017