University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: Educause

Horizon Report Preview 2019 Available

The EDUCAUSE Horizon Report Preview provides summaries of each of the upcoming edition’s trends, challenges, and important developments in educational technology, which were ranked most highly by the expert panel. This year’s trends include modularized and disaggregated degrees, the advancing of digital equity, and blockchain. Read the Horizon Report Preview

Feb 21, 2019

Register for the webinar to review the 2017 ECAR Findings: The IT Experiences of Faculty and Students

DATE: November 30, 2017 TIME: 12:00-1:00 p.m. CST (1:00-2:00 p.m. EST) Educause Live is offering an hour webinar to members to: Learn about current student and faculty attitudes toward and usage of technology Develop a better understanding of the needs of faculty and students to carry out their academic work Get recommendations on how to […]

Nov 16, 2017

7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Learning

Here are the short answers to common questions about flipped learning: 1. What is it? Flipped learning is a pedagogical model in which the typical “lecture” and “homework” elements are reversed. 2. How does it work? It is commonly known as having prerecorded “lectures” and other materials available online followed by in-class applied learning exercises. […]

Jul 11, 2016

ELI (Educause) June 8 Webinar: Leading Technology-Based Innovations in Medical Education

Postsecondary education is a rich tapestry comprising undergraduate, graduate, and adult learners. In each of these dimensions, technology is rapidly and continually changing the game. What is shared across higher education is the commitment to use technology to promote active learning as well as to increase learner engagement and success. In this webinar, we’ll explore leading […]

May 21, 2015

Educause: 7 Things You Should Know About Developments in Instructional Design

Author(s) Edward R. O’Neill (Yale University) Abstract In recent years, instructional design has been undergoing significant changes resulting from developments in areas including pedagogy, learning science, and technology. Instructional designers today work with a broad and growing array of tools and a deeper and more complex understanding of learning processes. They fill a wider range […]

May 18, 2015

Educause: Explore the IT Buyers Guide Designed for Higher Ed

Educause released of the new Higher Ed IT Buyers Guide — the only Buyers Guide specifically designed to help you discover and select technology solutions for a higher ed campus. Quickly search 50+ product and service categories, access thousands of IT solutions specific to the higher ed community, and send multiple RFPs — all in one […]

Apr 16, 2015

UNMC Educause Membership

Through various programs, publications, and events, EDUCAUSE and its members contribute to thought leadership on major issues, help clarify the current environment, and highlight how emerging trends and technologies are impacting higher education. UNMC faculty and staff have access to EDUCAUSE and ELI ( Educause Learning Initiative). http://www.educause.edu/ Click login> in the upper right hand […]

Jan 30, 2015

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