University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: mobile

7 Note Taking Apps: Pitch the Pen and Paper!

Keeping convenient, easily accessible notes can be a difficult task. Notebooks and papers are forgotten or lost while pens and pencils run dry or break. As luck often has it, times when you have a great idea are times you find yourself without the tools to jot it down. Many note taking applications eliminate these […]

Sep 14, 2017

Brain Science and Productivity

Make one simple change to harness brain power and productivity: Make your mobile calendar your ultimate time (and brain) protector. In an era of email, texting, virtual meetings, and Twitter, our brain is saturated with “connectivity.” Phones have become essential appendages that can transform into flashlights, reminders, scrapbooks, phone books, maps, libraries, and menus – […]

Mar 19, 2017

FREE Webinar: Transforming Teaching and Learning by Integrating Mobile Technologies into the Curriculum

FREE Webinar: Transforming Teaching and Learning by Integrating Mobile Technologies into the Curriculum Lynn University first launched its iPad initiative during the fall of 2013 with its freshman class. Two years later the entire university, including graduate and online divisions, has now been converted to an iPad-powered curriculum. All faculty including adjuncts were trained to […]

Sep 10, 2015

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