University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: YouTube

Create a YouTube Channel – Here’s Help

Contemporary teaching strategies often involve using videos in Canvas courses, quick phone or tablet videos, and/or MP4 videos made with PowerPoint.  A YouTube channel can help collect and manage your teaching assets. Teacher’s Tech offers you a step-by-step video tutorial on how the create a YouTube channel to share with learners, residents, or other professionals.  This  video will […]

May 20, 2017

Perfect Presentations Series: Enhancing YouTube Video URLs

I frequently use YouTube to supplement instruction, learn new processes, or simply to share clips during presentations. Many of the videos are much longer than I have time for or I only want to share a certain part. The following are some easy steps to follow so you can enhance YouTube URLs. How do I set a set a start time? With YouTube […]

Apr 3, 2015
