Category: E-Learning
COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Oct. 13, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features Blackboard Interactive Rubric, Pixlr and Formative. Check it out and learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Oct 13, 2016

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) – Minute Paper
As a teacher, you might assume that the course content, readings and lectures have left the students knowing what you wanted them to know. Only to find out later that students did not learn what you wanted them to learn. By having the students complete a Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) immediately after the session, module […]
Oct 12, 2016

Spotlight Article What is distributed medical education, and how is it changing the professional landscape beyond the classroom? By reading this article, you’ll learn about the powerful effects that come from the scope of this alternative curriculum method. Have you felt its effects firsthand in your career as a faculty member or educator? Article specifics: […]
Oct 11, 2016

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Oct. 6, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features Blackboard SafeAssign, ThingLink and MS Notepad or Apple Text Edit. Check it out and learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Oct 6, 2016

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) – Muddiest Point
Why wait for semester-end evaluations to gather potentially useful information on student learning since it is often collected too late to help the students in your current semester. You can do it all semester long using Classroom Assessment Techniques! As a teacher, you might assume that the course content, readings and lectures have left the […]
Oct 5, 2016

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Sept 29, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features information on Blackboard Profile Picture, SafeShare and Flippity. Read the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter to learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Sep 29, 2016

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Sept 22, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features information on Blackboard Inline Grading, Pixiclip, and Scribble Maps. Read the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter to learn more about the tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Sep 22, 2016

Article Plus 5 – September 2016
Spotlight Article Team-based learning, as well as applied technology, have both been integral throughout the history of health care education. Should the two pieces be combined to create something greater than the sum of its parts, or are the pieces more effective when used independently? This review answers the debate, giving examples of TBL technology and the feedback of […]
Sep 9, 2016

Spotlight Article How do novice and experienced teachers approach teaching and learning with technology? What can you learn to make it easier to incorporate technology into your teaching? Read this article where the authors surveyed novice and experienced Pharmacy teachers in Sweden over a 10-year time span. Their results highlight how educators of various experience […]
Aug 9, 2016

7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Learning
Here are the short answers to common questions about flipped learning: 1. What is it? Flipped learning is a pedagogical model in which the typical “lecture” and “homework” elements are reversed. 2. How does it work? It is commonly known as having prerecorded “lectures” and other materials available online followed by in-class applied learning exercises. […]
Jul 11, 2016
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