Category: Faculty Development
Infographic: How to Spot Microaggressions
You don’t need binoculars to spot microaggressions. Although slight, they happen every day all around us. Do you know how to spot a microaggression? Read the infographic to find out–awareness is a vital first step! Download a printable version
Aug 10, 2018

Remediation: IAMSE Online Open Access Learning Seminars
Take advantage of the free Remediation in Health Sciences Education sessions, brought to you by the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). The four-part series features an array of remediation topics, including: Trust and Remediation: Entrustable Professional Activities and Trust Decisions Sharing Assessment Information: Why, How, and What to Consider Remediation of Gaps in Clinical Skills […]
Jul 2, 2018

Free Sessions: Self-Directed Learning in Medical School Curricula
Medical information is rapidly expanding and accessibility to information through technology has become commonplace. To combat information overload with the help of technology, it is vital that medical universities equip learners with self-directed learning skills. So as schools revise and create new curricula, they must now provide new ways for students to understand information — on […]
Apr 3, 2018

Canvas Webinars – Presented by Canvas
More than a semester into the transition, Canvas (by Instructure) now is the primary campus learning management system. As of July 1, 2018, Blackboard will be completely retired. To support the transition to Canvas, a series of webinar training sessions are being offered to the UNMC campus starting this month. The Canvas webinar training will […]
Mar 2, 2018

Introducing ilos Video training offered by UNO
Have you heard? UNO has a new video content management system called ilos. This system integrates with Canvas and has many great features such as easily recording screencasts and video from your computer, tracking of who watches your video, and closed captioning of videos for free. Want to see what others are saying about ilos? […]
Mar 2, 2018

The University of Nebraska at Omaha Office of Digital Learning is offering an online six-week in-depth exploration of the Canvas learning management system with our Kung Fu Canvas course. Participants will be guided through a series of activities and have the opportunity to interact with colleagues while learning how to use Canvas for an on-campus, […]
Mar 2, 2018

What to look for in employees successful at flex work schedules
In modern health science education and academic medical centers, often not all the work is done at the work place. Technology and video conferencing have made remote working much more reliable, efficient and productive. But, not all employees or jobs are well-suited for working remotely. Leading organizations however, are developing creative and flexible work situations […]
Feb 18, 2018

Performance Reviews: Try the GROW Coaching Model
Performance review season is coming up and leaders may benefit from using COACHING techniques for better outcomes. The GROW model is outlined below with some sample coaching questions to incorporate into the dialogue. Goal(s) What would you like to get out of this discussion? What would be the most helpful for you to take away […]
Feb 15, 2018

“VR/AR: Stepping into the New Frontier of Learning” Webinar
December 14, 2017 1:00 p.m. to 2:00p.m. EST FREE with UNMC Educause Membership With VR and AR, we stand on the cusp of a new revolution in learning. This webinar shares insights from the EDUCAUSE Review Transforming Higher Ed Immersive Learning Series, “VR and AR: Stepping Into the New Frontier of Learning.” The series covered […]
Nov 30, 2017

Register for The Active Learning Classroom: Directions and Impacts Webinar
ELI Online Event | November 28 | Noon–3:00 p.m. (ET) Active learning spaces have become much more visible over the past several years and their contribution to the teaching and learning mission more widely recognized. But they can also represent significant financial investments, ranging from the wires and gear to the faculty support programs. Join us […]
Oct 26, 2017

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