University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Faculty Development

Brain Science and Productivity

Make one simple change to harness brain power and productivity: Make your mobile calendar your ultimate time (and brain) protector. In an era of email, texting, virtual meetings, and Twitter, our brain is saturated with “connectivity.” Phones have become essential appendages that can transform into flashlights, reminders, scrapbooks, phone books, maps, libraries, and menus – […]

Mar 19, 2017

OLC Collaborate is coming to UNMC

UNMC and NU Online Worldwide will host the Online Learning Consortium’s Collaborate event on Tuesday, June 6, 2017. Join us for a day of expert speakers, regional leaders and networking with colleagues as we explore current and emerging trends in online learning for the health science educator. This is an excellent opportunity for professional development […]

Mar 16, 2017

Visualizing Data and Information Made EASY!

In a digital society, an essential skill for leaders and educators is the ability to help the public, learners, and stake holders visualize and understand key information and data – quickly and easily.  Venngage in an online product that gives you perfectly designed, professional quality templates – ready for you to add your information in a flash! No more hours […]

Feb 24, 2017

Evidence: Short Peer Instruction During Lectures Helps Learning

Review the Evidence: Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the academic impact of cooperative peer instruction during lecture pauses in an immunology/endocrinology course. Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension.  Here’s an easy active learning technique to […]

Feb 23, 2017

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Jan. 26, 2017

This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter Spotlights the Canvas Grade Book. Learn how to hide grade distribution graphs, mute assignments while grading and create a grade column for participation and paper submissions at https://www.smore.com/x3mpu

Jan 30, 2017

Six Simple Ways to “Activate” Your Lecture

Many instructors have heard about “active learning” and likely at some point been implored to incorporate it into their teaching. The term often engenders images of large scale group activities, use of tools that take a great deal of effort to create, or things that are time intensive. At its simplest, “Active Learning” is anything […]

Jan 23, 2017

Using Task Analysis to Create Course Content

Task analysis is an easy way for an instructor to break down and clearly define the course content based on a topic. It is easy and allows you to work through the individual steps that will be necessary to achieve your classroom learning objectives. Watch the short overview video to learn more about task analysis […]

Jan 18, 2017

Getting Students and Residents to THINK

Here are two favorite resources to engage students and residents in a different and creative way – beyond books, journal articles, and facts—to develop thinking, observation, and richer perspectives on the art and practice of healing, health, and wellness. Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine Pulse has an extensive collection of personal accounts of […]

Jan 5, 2017

7 challenges for clinical educators to CONQUER

Clinical educators can derail in 7 key ways in the clinical setting.  Carry this list with you as a reminder: 1. Set clear LEARNING OBJECTIVES and EXPECTATIONS. 2. Teach at the correct LEVEL 3. Focus on PROBLEM SOLVING not fact memorization. 4. Engage learners in ACTIVE DIALOGUE.  “Telling” is not learning. 5. Observe and give […]

Oct 18, 2016

Students Crave FEEDBACK

Arguably, one of the most essential functions and skills for any teacher  in health science education is giving learner feedback. These 5 feedback facts can help make your feedback for  more impactful: FEEDBACK is not advice, praise, or evaluation.  FEEDBACK is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal. (~Grant Wiggins) […]

Oct 17, 2016