Category: Uncategorized
Infographic: The SMART Way to Achieve Your Goals
The New Year is a perfect time to take stock of your career goals. If you find yourself year after year feeling disheartened about not achieving the goals set, there may be a flaw in your strategy. Use goals to achieve success Goal setting is often challenging and may take several attempts to establish. A […]
Dec 31, 2020

Infographic: 7 Ways Your Brain Can Stop You From Recruiting the Right Candidate
Whether or not you’re aware of it, you make thousands of decisions every day—around 35,000, to be exact. In any given moment, our brains are bombarded with tons of information that must be quickly processed, informing our decisions, both big and small. So, to keep up and be efficient, our brains take mental shortcuts. These […]
Dec 17, 2020

10 Habits for Career Success in Health Professions Education
The start of the academic year is the perfect time to re-evaluate and re-scope our career goals. Work on one of the following tasks every month throughout the school year, or use them as a guide to engage with a peer mentoring group to push everyone further, faster. What are you doing to re-evaluate and […]
Sep 28, 2020

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Using High Tech Tools in the Classroom Webinar
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:00 CST Register Professors have a growing number of high-tech teaching tools at their disposal, but many instructors don’t know where to start. In this webinar, Ian Wilhelm, Senior Editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Rashad Muhammad, Instructional Designer at Michigan State, answer questions about these tools from professors […]
Oct 25, 2018

ELI Webinar | Navigating Academic Transformation
Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST Registration is FREE for Educause members – UNMC is a member We know all too well that we face many challenges and decisions with respect to the academic mission of our institutions. How will the current trajectories in educational technology impact our teaching and learning practices […]
Mar 1, 2018

Register for the webinar to review the 2017 ECAR Findings: The IT Experiences of Faculty and Students
DATE: November 30, 2017 TIME: 12:00-1:00 p.m. CST (1:00-2:00 p.m. EST) Educause Live is offering an hour webinar to members to: Learn about current student and faculty attitudes toward and usage of technology Develop a better understanding of the needs of faculty and students to carry out their academic work Get recommendations on how to […]
Nov 16, 2017

2017 Horizon Report: Higher Education Trends, Challenges & Developments
Are you familiar with the Horizon Report? Every year the New Media Consortium (NMC) and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) jointly release the NMC Horizon Report, which identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have an impact on learning, teaching, and creative inquiry in higher education. They also provide a wonderful infographic as a summary to […]
Feb 27, 2017

Evidence: Short Peer Instruction During Lectures Helps Learning
Review the Evidence: Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the academic impact of cooperative peer instruction during lecture pauses in an immunology/endocrinology course. Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension. Here’s an easy active learning technique to […]
Feb 23, 2017

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