University of Nebraska Medical Center


How to Write Effective Titles for Grants, Abstracts, and More!

You have your paper finished, but what do you name it? How do you encapsulate the blood, sweat, and tears of your research into a single line of text? The title is often the first impression for potential readers, and a good one will open the gates to its content instead of locking it away. […]

Jun 20, 2018

CGEA Education Grant Proposals due Sept 30, 2017

The Call for the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Mini-Grant Proposals is now open. The CGEA seeks to promote scholarship in medical education and advance the community of scholarship within the Central region. A maximum award of $7,000 is available for multiple-institution projects and $5,000 for single-institution projects. Consistent with the requirements of scholarship, all […]

Mar 23, 2017

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