University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: funding

CGEA Education Grant Proposals due Sept 30, 2017

The Call for the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Mini-Grant Proposals is now open. The CGEA seeks to promote scholarship in medical education and advance the community of scholarship within the Central region. A maximum award of $7,000 is available for multiple-institution projects and $5,000 for single-institution projects. Consistent with the requirements of scholarship, all […]

Mar 23, 2017

Get $35,000 a Year to Solve a “Wicked Problem”

Do you have an idea to improve health outcomes in communities across the country? The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Clinical Scholars National Leadership Program is now accepting applications. Applicants apply in multidisciplinary teams of two to five providers. Teams identify complex “wicked problems” compromising a culture of health in their communities and propose innovative, community-focused approaches […]

Jan 30, 2017
