University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: application

CATs in the Classroom

Classroom Assessment Techniques, otherwise known as CATs, are simple, content-related activities done during class time. CATs are typically not graded and anonymous to encourage students to work comfortably. CATs should uncover areas where students struggle and reinforce the content they have already mastered. Here is a easy way to incorporate CATs into your classroom: About the […]

Jun 28, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: Enhancing Learning Using Interleaving Techniques (part 6 in education series)

This is part 6 in our 6 part education series and covers enhancing learning using interleaving techniques. What are interleaving techniques? Interleaving is a method that arranges and recalls information in a noncontiguous manner, making learning “systems” more efficient and reliable. Interleaving helps learners establish and use brain files for better retrieval. It benefits both instructors […]

May 3, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom
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