University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: classroom

Infographic: Leveraging Social Media Using a #VisualAbstract to Disseminate Research

#VisualAbstracts are often shared on social media to summarize research in a short, pictographic format. The goal is to highlight key findings and attract readers to access the full article. Check out this infographic to see how easy it is to create your own #VisualAbstract (view a printable version of the infographic): >> Download a printable […]

Oct 4, 2019

Leveraging Social Media

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Using High Tech Tools in the Classroom Webinar

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:00 CST Register Professors have a growing number of high-tech teaching tools at their disposal, but many instructors don’t know where to start. In this webinar, Ian Wilhelm, Senior Editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Rashad Muhammad, Instructional Designer at Michigan State, answer questions about these tools from professors […]

Oct 25, 2018

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Register for The Active Learning Classroom: Directions and Impacts Webinar

ELI Online Event | November 28 | Noon–3:00 p.m. (ET) Active learning spaces have become much more visible over the past several years and their contribution to the teaching and learning mission more widely recognized. But they can also represent significant financial investments, ranging from the wires and gear to the faculty support programs. Join us […]

Oct 26, 2017

CATs in the Classroom

Classroom Assessment Techniques, otherwise known as CATs, are simple, content-related activities done during class time. CATs are typically not graded and anonymous to encourage students to work comfortably. CATs should uncover areas where students struggle and reinforce the content they have already mastered. Here is a easy way to incorporate CATs into your classroom: About the […]

Jun 28, 2017

Top 10 Reasons to Use the Anatomage Table

The Anatomage Table is a 3-D, life-sized, interactive anatomy tool being incorporated in the some of the world’s leading medical institutions, including the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Utilizing it in your curriculum can be one of the easiest decisions you should ever make. Here are our top 10 reasons to incorporate the Anatomage Table into […]

Jun 14, 2017

Give Learners Better Guided Notes for Recall and Retention

Teachers can better coach students on the science  of learning and memory by using simple guided notes.  Try this strategy while students are coming in to class, following a learning unit, or provide for use whenever students think they need it. You can also coach students on how and why to create their own guided notes. […]

Mar 24, 2017

5 Engagement Activities for Lecture Sessions

With all the recent conversation on campus and in the medical education literature about active learning and student engagement, we can easily be overwhelmed with terminology, confused by what is considered best practice, and paralyzed by fear of incorporating a new technique into our teaching. Here are five quick tips for incorporating an active learning […]

Sep 13, 2016