Tag: Faculty Development
Assessing Competency: More Than Checking a Box
Medical education communities are pursuing new methods of assessing the competency of trainees. Included in this movement, schools involved with two AAMC initiatives are testing and analyzing the collection of global, “in the moment” entrustment assessments of learner performance. Despite the complexity of assessing trainee performance, educators are investing in developing more complete views of trainee performance over time […]
Jul 15, 2016

Reading and Writing in a Busy Life
We don’t always create time for the things we want and need to get done. Some days it seems like we barely have time to eat and sleep. If this sounds like you, here are a few resources to incorporate reading and writing into a busy life: Publication Coach Daphne Gray-Grant offers encouragement and tips for READING MORE in our […]
Jul 15, 2016

7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Learning
Here are the short answers to common questions about flipped learning: 1. What is it? Flipped learning is a pedagogical model in which the typical “lecture” and “homework” elements are reversed. 2. How does it work? It is commonly known as having prerecorded “lectures” and other materials available online followed by in-class applied learning exercises. […]
Jul 11, 2016
Get Your Promotion Materials Ready!
Summer and winter breaks are perfect times to get your academic affairs in order! Avoid promotion delaying scrambles with the following 3 practical tips: Set-up a recurring calendar function(s) so that you intentionally set aside time to look at and work on your career goals. Link your Promotion and Tenure files from your desktop so you see […]
Jul 7, 2016

Visual Impact: Here’s a FREE Image Bank
Would you like to add VISUAL IMPACT to your teaching materials, PowerPoint, or e-learning project? Streamline your search time by visiting PIXABAY for free images and videos you can use anywhere! All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Common CCO. You may download, modify, distribute, and use they royalty […]
Jun 11, 2016

What is “Backward Learning Design“? Educators BEGIN at the END goal, working backwards. Here’s how: Q1. How will the learner be DIFFERENT at the end of this course? What should learners be able to think and DO at the end of the course? Q2. How will I know they have CHANGED <at the end and […]
Jun 11, 2016

Boost Your Leadership Skills – Immediately
The rapid pace of health care requires strong, innovative leaders who are ready to shape the future of UNMC. Yet the many pressures faculty members frequently confront today affect their ability to impact an organization. To provide faculty with the critical leadership skills they need to play a meaningful role, UNMC Faculty Development offers iLEAD. […]
May 28, 2016

You may be sabotaging your career and not even know it. Some phrases you use everyday can be having a negative effect on how people see you. Read this article, “Well Said! Self-Destructive Language,” on phrases to avoid and their friendlier alternatives — you’ll be speaking in a trustworthy fashion in no time at all!
Dec 4, 2015

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