Tag: free
Remediation: IAMSE Online Open Access Learning Seminars
Take advantage of the free Remediation in Health Sciences Education sessions, brought to you by the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). The four-part series features an array of remediation topics, including: Trust and Remediation: Entrustable Professional Activities and Trust Decisions Sharing Assessment Information: Why, How, and What to Consider Remediation of Gaps in Clinical Skills […]
Jul 2, 2018

Free Sessions: Self-Directed Learning in Medical School Curricula
Medical information is rapidly expanding and accessibility to information through technology has become commonplace. To combat information overload with the help of technology, it is vital that medical universities equip learners with self-directed learning skills. So as schools revise and create new curricula, they must now provide new ways for students to understand information — on […]
Apr 3, 2018

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