Tag: infographic
Infographic: Creating a Lesson that Delivers the Desired Outcome
Learning objectives help define what students are expected to learn or be able to do following a lesson. Sounds simple, right? However, there is more to writing an effective learning objective than you might think. (TIP: Saying students need to “understand” or “know” doesn’t cut it because there is no way to measure the action. […]
Aug 30, 2018

Choosing the Right Verb for Your Learning Objective
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchical classification of the different objectives and skills that educators set for students. In Bloom’s Taxonomy, each level is built on the previous levels. This means learning at the higher levels is dependent on attaining knowledge and skills at lower levels. There are certain action verbs that correspond with each classification as well […]
Aug 28, 2018

Infographic: Join the Resistance Against Microaggression
Practicing microresistance is the best way to combat microaggression and foster a safe and inclusive environment for all. Check out this infographic to find out how to take a stand against microaggression using the A.C.T.I.O.N. method. Download a printable version
Aug 14, 2018

Infographic: How to Spot Microaggressions
You don’t need binoculars to spot microaggressions. Although slight, they happen every day all around us. Do you know how to spot a microaggression? Read the infographic to find out–awareness is a vital first step! Download a printable version
Aug 10, 2018

Infographic — Multiple-Choice Questions: Problems & Solutions
Though multiple-choice questions are used heavily in academic assessments, how well do these questions actually assess knowledge? Sure, these questions are easy to grade, remove potential grader bias, and allow for broad topics, but structural problems in multiple-choice questions create the need for a solution. Check out this infographic for an easy solution to your problematic multiple-choice […]
Jun 28, 2018

Twitter Update: Much Ado About 280 Characters
As you’ve most likely heard, Twitter’s famous (or infamous) 140-character tweet limit has been doubled to 280. The decision has been met with polarizing response, with many users either loving or hating the new limit. What does this change mean for Twitter? How has it affected users so far? Take a look at the following […]
Dec 11, 2017

7 Ways Twitter Can Advance Your Career
Twitter is a social media platform that is gaining traction in academia. Not only is it a great way to connect with colleagues across the globe, it also helps you stay informed on the latest trends in research and education. Check out this infographic of 7 ways Twitter can help your career. About the Author Megan […]
Jul 26, 2017

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