University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: Wednesday wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom: Learning through Elaboration (part 4 in education series)

This is part 4 in our 6 part education series and covers learning through elaboration. What is learning through elaboration? Elaboration strategies make connections between different ideas, thus, helping students understand how seemingly disparate pieces of information are connected.1-3 There are a variety of strategies that can be used: mnemonics, rewriting, note-taking, comparisons, and self-questioning.4 How […]

Apr 12, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom: Enhancing Learning Using Concrete Examples (part 3 in education series)

This is part 3 in our 6 part education series and covers enhancing learning using concrete examples. What is it learning using concrete examples? As novices, students often gain a false sense of confidence in their abilities to memorize new material. Using concrete, relevant, real life examples can help students understand abstract ideas and extend […]

Apr 5, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom