Category: Teaching and Learning
Legal Implications for Teaching
The legal responsibilities and guidelines for teachers can sometimes seem overwhelming. This enlightening development seminar provides you with an easily digestible and understandable look at the legal roads that responsible educators must travel. Participants are asked ethical questions and given scenarios that can often be found in educational environments, resulting in emergent problem-solving techniques in […]
Dec 21, 2016
FLIP Seminar: Part One Student needs are changing and as a result, teaching needs to change as well. The topics covered in the first part of the FLIP seminar include reworking curriculum institution-wide and also the structure of curriculum at a classroom scale. Key Presenters: Mary Lee, MD, MS, FACP — Presentation: Leading Institutional Change Adam Persky, […]
Dec 21, 2016
Developing Strategies for Teaching in the Health Profession
To develop better education strategies, you have to reflect on both yourself and your methods of teaching. Breaking down your own expertise in the field and putting yourself on the same level as your students is the first step in focusing on a learner’s needs. “Being a good teacher is not being an expert at […]
Dec 12, 2016
Is Outcomes-Based Education Different from What We're Already Doing?
Looking at curriculum delivery, what is the most effective strategy for giving students the best education possible? With a background in economics, Dr. Hugh Stoddard works his knowledge into a session on outcomes-based education. He creates simple but effective models and explanations for the creation of an education system, taking you step-by-step through how the outcomes-based […]
Dec 12, 2016
Assessment in Health Care Education
The word, “assessment,” can be a vague and misunderstood term in education, especially when the standard model of higher learning is centered around a “culture of assessment.” But, what is a culture of assessment? What does this give us as educators and part of an institution? Where do evaluation, accountability, feedback, and accreditation fit in […]
Dec 12, 2016
Principles of PBL (part 2 of 2)
It’s the journey to a diagnosis that matters, not the final diagnosis itself. Problem-based learning, or PBL, helps give students a memorable, integrated, and clinically relevant acquisition of knowledge. Commonly used as a hybrid approach in conjunction with other teaching styles, PBL reinforces material as an active-learning tool. It’s used to digest information, synthesize the […]
Dec 12, 2016
Principles of PBL (part 1 of 2)
It’s the journey to a diagnosis that matters, not the final diagnosis itself. Problem-based learning, or PBL, helps give students a memorable, integrated, and clinically relevant acquisition of knowledge. Commonly used as a hybrid approach in conjunction with other teaching styles, PBL reinforces material as an active-learning tool. It’s used to digest information, synthesize the […]
Dec 12, 2016
“We are teaching adults, not children.” Adults learn how they want to learn. There are many factors that go into adult learning that are very different from how a child learns. This seminar gives details on the facets that make up the adult styles of learning and how you, as an educator, need to be […]
Dec 12, 2016
Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences
NBME has published a free manual about writing test questions. The 181-page booklet covers everything you could possibly need for putting together polished, creative, and easily understandable assessment questions. The manual will teach you: Best multiple-choice practices Technical item flaws Foundational testing Usage of media Keep in mind, you’ll need to make a free account […]
Nov 22, 2016
Teaching Tips: A Classic Collection
You may have a storied career as an educator, teaching for decades with a mountain of accolades across your shoulders. Or, you may be about to enter your first classroom in the role of a teacher. Regardless of whether you are one, the other, or something in between, these teaching tips have helped countless educators […]
Nov 22, 2016
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