University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Leadership

A Seat at the Table: Strategies for Women to Advance

This session is cosponsored by UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity. This session will help participants 1) Review the current state of women in medical leadership, 2) Identify potential barriers for getting to “the table”, and 3) Learn to establish yourself as a valuable member of the table, use your […]

Feb 29, 2024

Faculty Development Retirement Guide

A diverse array of current and retired faculty shared perspectives at a retirement-focused panel on April 18, 2024. 5/5 (2) How helpful was this learning opportunity? Sample rating item

Feb 29, 2024

Creating Inclusive High-Performing (Academic/Healthcare) Teams in the Age of Hybrid Work

Session Cosponsored by UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity In the new normal of hybrid teamwork, leaders and managers are tasked with the development of methods for improving connection and engagement among employees. This workshops will provide you the tips and tools to improve team cohesion, decision-making effectiveness, and performance. […]

Jan 25, 2024

Communicating Your Value: The STAR Model

A key skill in today’s work world, is the ability to tell the story of your accomplishments. Using the STAR framework is one way of developing this skill–whether you are in an interview, developing a formal report or presentation, talking with your chair at your annual performance review, in an elevator pitch, or a grant […]

Dec 8, 2023

Amplifying Truth in Noise: Success Communicating with Media

This session is cosponsored by UNMC Faculty Development and Strategic Communications Representatives from the UNMC Office of Strategic Communication will discuss best practices when dealing with the media, including when to agree to an interview, recognizing the changing media landscape, how to prepare your key talking points, preparation tips for TV or Zoom interviews, social […]

Nov 9, 2023

Managing Feedback and the Chaos of Clinical Teaching

Clinical educators discuss managing student feedback and your expectations, adapting to the variability of your learning climate, interacting with struggling students and finding the teachable moments in infinite learning opportunities.

Apr 12, 2023

Doctor explains to medical students

Equitable, Valuable, & Readable: How to Write An Outstanding Letter of Recommendation

Session co-sponsored by the UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity Letters of recommendation (LOR) serve an essential role throughout the academic physician’s career, from residency applications to faculty promotion. Many faculty writing these letters, particularly junior-level academicians, may have little information on what a letter should include or how they can […]

Mar 28, 2023

Holistic Review: One College’s Experience

During this one-hour session, presenters will share the process, outcomes and next steps resulting from the implementation of a holistic review model of admissions.

Jan 27, 2023

What Women Want: Mentoring Panel Discussion

Watch this panel discussion about the challenges women in medicine face and what can be done to remediate them.

Dec 13, 2022

Shifting the Lens on Parity

Watch this session to explore systems that promote and challenge equity across faculty experience.

Oct 19, 2022

magnifying glass with charts