Category: Teaching and Learning
Reflective Thinking Process in Debriefing
This session from UNMC leaders outlines goals of debriefing, defines reflective thinking, discusses Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, shows the elements and processes of reflective thinking, and identifies various approaches and strategies for reflective thinking/debriefing. Watch the session now. Speakers: Patricia Carstens, MS David Gannon, MD Paul Paulman, MD James Sullivan, MD Michael Wadman, MD Kami Willett, RN, MSN […]
Dec 12, 2013

Instructional Technologies at UNMC
You may not be aware of the technological tools and services available to you at UNMC. This informative session takes a look at what you can you can utilize inside the classroom and out, as well as demonstrates how to use these resources effectively. Make life easier for both you and your students with the […]
Nov 4, 2013

Using Direct Observation to Enhance Clinical Teaching
One of the best ways students can learn is through hands-on education in the clinic. Yet, because this training doesn’t have the same evaluation structure as a traditional classroom, providing assessment and feedback can be difficult. This session will help you understand the importance of observation of trainees, recognize clinical scenarios, incorporate examples of direct observation, […]
Oct 10, 2013

The Impact of MOOCs in Higher Education
The internet has created the ability to provide free, openly accessible education to learners around the world. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a premier example of delivering learning applications on a global scale, allowing anyone with an internet connection to attain accredited and viable skills. Companies such as Coursera, Udacity, edX, and Khan Academy […]
Aug 23, 2013

Dealing with Challenging Student/Resident Situations
As an educator, students are your main concern. You are here to guide them, helping as they develop skills and learn to become health care professionals. However, sometimes students can become discouraged, overly stressed, or pick up self-destructive habits — each with the potential of leading to trouble. In this session, you’ll discover what red flags […]
Feb 14, 2013

Learning from UNMC's Master Teachers: Drs. Cuddigan, Dobesh, and Larsen
Seeking tips for becoming a better educator? Take advice from the pros! Several award-winning faculty members share insights on how they developed effective teaching techniques. You’ll learn how to foster a positive learning environment for students, ways introduce engagement processes, and what to put in your teaching toolbox of success. View session slides, resources, and […]
Jan 10, 2013

Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials: Do Classifications Improve Education?
Today’s generation of students is more collaborative than those previous. With the majority of current students having grown up in the internet age, technological connectivity and interactivity have shaped the way these students learn. To engage their unique learning style, you’ll need to be aware of their needs and know how to adapt your teaching. […]
Oct 11, 2012

Assessment Across the Spectrum: Balancing Accountability With Encouragement
Education within the health professions is under increasing scrutiny, as is health care itself. Educators are hearing terms like “entrustable professional activities,” “milestones,” “maintenance of competence,” and “competency-based medical education.” There are forces within and outside of programs to enhance the assessment and evaluation of learners, but what does this mean for you? In this […]
Apr 19, 2012

Giving Effective Feedback
Timely and meaningful feedback is essential to fostering a successful health science education program. However, faculty members report that this is one of the most difficult aspects of teaching. How can educators become better at assessing their students and providing nuanced feedback? In this session, Drs. Vokoun and Liu examine feedback skills in simulated cases, […]
Mar 10, 2011

Dealing with the Problem Learner
Figuring out how to deal with struggling learners is a great challenge for many educators. How can you get those who are falling behind on the right track? How can you keep the integrity of your coursework intact while certain students are having difficulty? Campus experts offer resources to help you find ways to identify […]
Jan 13, 2011

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