University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Teaching and Learning

Effective Lecture Design and Delivery

Despite what some people think, giving lectures can be no easy task and, just because you’ve sat through a lecture, doesn’t make you an expert at giving one. This session anchors your lecture to learning objectives, uses order and flow to tell a story, shows examples of lecture approaches, explore the role of software in […]

Oct 15, 2009


Writing Instructional Objectives

Learning objectives are statements of what you want your students to know and be able to do at the end of your course. These statements should be specific, measurable goals and will help you in determining the success of your course. This session differentiates between the three taxonomic levels used to classify cognitive objectives, develops […]

Oct 15, 2009

Person writing

Writing Multiple Choice Questions

Writing a multiple-choice question may seem easy on the surface, but in reality, it’s an often difficult process that requires a fundamental understanding of how assessment works. Dr. James Booth serves as your guide for creating effective multiple-choice questions and answers. Watch his session and learn about evaluation, the three taxonomic levels, and common technical […]

Oct 15, 2009