University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: classroom

GenZ @School: Know Thy Learner: The Next Generation of Students

One of the keys of effective teaching, presenting, and interaction is to know your audience. As the first members of the next generation of learners begins to enter health professions, understanding their perspectives, preferences, and communication style can help you succeed in the classroom and clinic. In this presentation, we will explore the characteristics of […]

Dec 13, 2024

gen z

AI Resources for Educators

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has made sweeping transformations across many industries, including health sciences education. This page provides a variety of resources on the topic, including slides and handouts from the Brains, Bots & Beyond IAMSE webinar series from September-October 2023. Brains, Bots & Beyond: Exploring AI’s Impact on Medical Education (International Association of […]

Oct 5, 2023

The Words We Say Matter: Empowering Students in the Classroom

In these turbulent times, it can be a challenge to navigate classroom dialogue. What can I say? What can’t I say? How do I facilitate meaningful conversation? The facilitators will lead active conversations exploring strategies that support open dialogue in the classroom. Session PowerPoint *Note: To access the Zoom recoding, please use this passcode: kcS^WJ.8 […]

Oct 3, 2023

Generation Z: The New Kids on the Block

While the characteristics of millennial learners have been widely discussed with regard to health science education, a new generation of learners will soon be entering our education system: Generation Z. Despite their relative youth, a great deal is already known about this group. Although they share many similarities to their millennial predecessors, key differences may have […]

Dec 12, 2019

50 Classroom Assessment Techniques

As an educator, you need to be aware of what knowledge students are retaining from your lessons. The easiest way to do so is through a variety of assessment methods. These 50 Classroom Assessment Techniques by Angelo and Cross will get you on the right path, offering strategies for assessing course-related knowledge and skills, learner […]

Feb 20, 2018

Flipped Classroom in Health Professions Education: Expanding Interactive Learning at UNMC (2-Part Series)

FLIP Seminar: Part One  Student needs are changing and as a result, teaching needs to change as well. The topics covered in the first part of the FLIP seminar include reworking curriculum institution-wide and also the structure of curriculum at a classroom scale.  Key Presenters:  Mary Lee, MD, MS, FACP — Presentation: Leading Institutional Change Adam Persky, […]

Dec 21, 2016

Developing Strategies for Teaching in the Health Profession

To develop better education strategies, you have to reflect on both yourself and your methods of teaching. Breaking down your own expertise in the field and putting yourself on the same level as your students is the first step in focusing on a learner’s needs. “Being a good teacher is not being an expert at […]

Dec 12, 2016

NBME Online Training Modules

NBME U is the ultimate supplement to aid you in classroom testing and assessment. As an online collection of lessons relevant to high-quality assessment, the courses provide brief overviews of assessment topics for those in the health professions’ education community — at no cost to the learner! The courses are brief to accommodate the often busy schedules […]

Nov 22, 2016

How Technology Is Reshaping Education

As blended learning, active learning, faculty and student content creation, and administrative changes take center stage, it is clear that technology has opened new pathways and interactive approaches with and between students. In this discussion, Dr. Julie Youm describes how the iMedEd Initiative at University of California, Irvine School of Medicine (UC Irvine) has served […]

Mar 31, 2016