University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: faculty

Getting What YOU Want: Coaching Techniques

Knowing how to handle a conversation is incredibly important for a leader in academic medicine. You’re better able to shape the experiences and mindsets of your faculty by reducing fear, blame, and frustrations. The ability to masterfully hold conversations goes a long way toward fostering a culture of enhanced awareness, mutual support, and all-around engagement. […]

Mar 3, 2016

Science of Learning in Higher Education Today

The basics haven’t changed — you’re still the teacher, and your students are still the learners. What has changed is the way we’ve found students learn, and the best way to teach may not be what you’re used to. To be able to educate to the best of your abilities, you’ll need to be aware of […]

Jun 11, 2015

Mentoring Matters: How to Develop a Successful Mentoring Program

Mentoring programs help to increase retention rates of new faculty, enhance personal satisfaction of career choices, improve faculty morale, and even reduce stress and prevent burnout. But how do you go about creating a program in your college or unit? Watch the first session of the three-part Mentoring Matters Series and see how to develop your […]

May 19, 2015

Facilitation Skills in Interprofessional Education

You’ve seen how to integrate IPE into university curricula — now see how to facilitate its usage in classroom learning groups! In this follow-up session, you’ll learn what you’ll need to overcome challenges, identify strategies, and accomplish results through the implementation of interprofessional education. Keynote Speakers Mayumi A. Willgerodt, PhD, MS/MPH, RN Jennifer Danielson, PharmD, MBA, […]

Feb 12, 2015

Ways to Integrate and Evaluate Interprofessional Education in Curricula

It has become apparent that interprofessional collaboration is an integral part of sustaining an effective health care system. However, medical school students who have subsequently become professionals were most likely not given interprofessional education during study. The effects have been startling and include redundancy, teamwork issues, and clinical errors. In this session, you’ll see how […]

Feb 12, 2015

Beyond the Classroom: Social Media in Health Science Education

The internet has become part of our day-to-day lives, but its application in health care has led to new possibilities for hospitals, professionals, and patients. Advancing technologies have provided ways for sharing information broadly, quickly, and easily — opening doors to a wealth of knowledge exchange and student engagement. This session highlights applications of social media at […]

Apr 12, 2012

Thriving Amidst Chaos: Personal Productivity Basics

Keeping life on a steady track can be near impossible with the hectic nature of a career in health science education. Addressing student problems, tending to faculty duties, attending meetings, and coursework planning are just a few day-to-day activities — not to mention the actual teaching! Instead of feeling like you’re in a whirlwind, you […]

Nov 18, 2010