University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: flipped

Flipped Classroom in Health Professions Education: Expanding Interactive Learning at UNMC (2-Part Series)

FLIP Seminar: Part One  Student needs are changing and as a result, teaching needs to change as well. The topics covered in the first part of the FLIP seminar include reworking curriculum institution-wide and also the structure of curriculum at a classroom scale.  Key Presenters:  Mary Lee, MD, MS, FACP — Presentation: Leading Institutional Change Adam Persky, […]

Dec 21, 2016

Flipped Learning 101

How do you teach today’s student to be a competent health professional? This is a question that’s challenged educators for decades — and many people are turning to “flipped learning” to increase students’ retention and skills. But what is flipped learning? Is it hard to do? Does it cost a lot? These are some of […]

Apr 9, 2015