University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: health

Burnout: It's Time for More Than a Band-Aid

In a national survey, nearly half of physicians experienced one or more symptom of burnout including loss of enthusiasm for work, feelings of cynicism, or inadequacy in personal performance. Unfortunately, the mental well-being of faculty is not always a priority in health care. In this session, you’ll join a discussion on wellness efforts, programs, and strategies […]

Mar 10, 2016

Connecting the Dots in Health Care Roles: Learning with the EHR

In an already crowded curriculum, how can you incorporate tools to help students develop new skills and enhance classic methods of teaching? Think meaningful integration with electronic health records! By watching this session, you’ll see how the OneChart EDU training environment can be integrated into pre-existing curriculum. With its use, students will be able to […]

Feb 11, 2016

APPtitude for Learning: Using Health Science Apps in the Classroom

It’s a fact — technology, or more specifically, apps, are here to stay… and your students are using them all the time to communicate, get information, and do everyday activities. Why not integrate their already inherent ability to use apps to also help them learn? Watch this workshop to see what kinds of health science mobile […]

Jan 14, 2016

Facilitation Skills in Interprofessional Education

You’ve seen how to integrate IPE into university curricula — now see how to facilitate its usage in classroom learning groups! In this follow-up session, you’ll learn what you’ll need to overcome challenges, identify strategies, and accomplish results through the implementation of interprofessional education. Keynote Speakers Mayumi A. Willgerodt, PhD, MS/MPH, RN Jennifer Danielson, PharmD, MBA, […]

Feb 12, 2015

Ways to Integrate and Evaluate Interprofessional Education in Curricula

It has become apparent that interprofessional collaboration is an integral part of sustaining an effective health care system. However, medical school students who have subsequently become professionals were most likely not given interprofessional education during study. The effects have been startling and include redundancy, teamwork issues, and clinical errors. In this session, you’ll see how […]

Feb 12, 2015

Wellness, Stress Management, and You

In the field of professional health care, workers are placed under very unique stressors that are found in almost no other workplace. As such, more and more attention has been placed at identifying their causes, and more importantly, their effects. In such a high-risk, high-stress career such as health care, there needs to be a […]

Apr 4, 2014