University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: mentees

Mentoring for Clinical & Behavioral Research

Mentoring is no small task to begin with, and mentoring clinical and behavioral researchers is exacerbated by unique circumstances and challenges. As research projects become increasingly collaborative and interdisciplinary, mentorship must take a new approach to satisfy diverse needs. See how mentees can be supported in these tricky situations. Learn about the shift toward a […]

May 17, 2018

What can the National Research Mentoring Network do for you?

Mentoring has been proven to be beneficial in professional development, allowing mentors to share wisdom and career experiences and providing mentees an opportunity to learn and grow. The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) has sought to create an organized system for all things involving mentorship, including: Match/link programs to increase access to mentor/mentee relationships Events […]

Apr 11, 2018

Learn what the National Research Mentoring Network can do for you

Mentoring Matters: How to Develop a Successful Mentoring Program

Mentoring programs help to increase retention rates of new faculty, enhance personal satisfaction of career choices, improve faculty morale, and even reduce stress and prevent burnout. But how do you go about creating a program in your college or unit? Watch the first session of the three-part Mentoring Matters Series and see how to develop your […]

May 19, 2015