University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: next generation

They're Driving Me Crazy: Staying Sane When Teaching the Next Generation of Learners

Every new generation of learner brings a unique and different world perspective, learning preference, and communication style to UNMC. They also challenge us to examine the skills and approaches we use to interact with, teach, advise, and evaluate in a variety of learning settings. For example, presentations and lectures that worked well in the past […]

Sep 15, 2016

They're Driving Me Crazy

Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials: Do Classifications Improve Education?

Today’s generation of students is more collaborative than those previous. With the majority of current students having grown up in the internet age, technological connectivity and interactivity have shaped the way these students learn. To engage their unique learning style, you’ll need to be aware of their needs and know how to adapt your teaching. […]

Oct 11, 2012

hands touching in circle