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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: professions

Flipped Classroom in Health Professions Education: Expanding Interactive Learning at UNMC (2-Part Series)

FLIP Seminar: Part One  Student needs are changing and as a result, teaching needs to change as well. The topics covered in the first part of the FLIP seminar include reworking curriculum institution-wide and also the structure of curriculum at a classroom scale.  Key Presenters:  Mary Lee, MD, MS, FACP — Presentation: Leading Institutional Change Adam Persky, […]

Dec 21, 2016

Developing Strategies for Teaching in the Health Profession

To develop better education strategies, you have to reflect on both yourself and your methods of teaching. Breaking down your own expertise in the field and putting yourself on the same level as your students is the first step in focusing on a learner’s needs. “Being a good teacher is not being an expert at […]

Dec 12, 2016