University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: skills

Coaching for Executives: Investing in Talent Development

As a faculty member in the upper ranks of the organization, you’ll often be delegating tasks and assignments to your employees. To do so, you’ll need a firm understanding on how to lead, coach, and motivate others toward accomplishing goals. Certified coach Rob Kramer presents the tools needed to be an effective leader and a source of […]

Feb 26, 2018

50 Classroom Assessment Techniques

As an educator, you need to be aware of what knowledge students are retaining from your lessons. The easiest way to do so is through a variety of assessment methods. These 50 Classroom Assessment Techniques by Angelo and Cross will get you on the right path, offering strategies for assessing course-related knowledge and skills, learner […]

Feb 20, 2018

On the Bookshelf: Must-Reads for Educators

Conducting Research in Health Professions Education: From Idea to Publication This free eBook from Academic Medicine provides over 40 one-page primers on topics related to medical education research. The literature explores every stage of research from developing research questions, finding secondary data sources, and working in collaborations, to defining response rate, writing revisions, and promoting your […]

Mar 13, 2016

Connecting the Dots in Health Care Roles: Learning with the EHR

In an already crowded curriculum, how can you incorporate tools to help students develop new skills and enhance classic methods of teaching? Think meaningful integration with electronic health records! By watching this session, you’ll see how the OneChart EDU training environment can be integrated into pre-existing curriculum. With its use, students will be able to […]

Feb 11, 2016

Good to Great: Making the Leadership Leap

As an educator, you already have a leadership role — but how do you progress from a good leader to a great one? If you’re like many educators, you probably haven’t had a lot of formal training in leadership and have had to figure many things out on your own. While you work with colleagues, […]

Oct 22, 2015

Mentoring Matters: The Key to Being a Successful Mentor

You don’t need to have experience in mentoring to be a great mentor. Being a mentor is a rewarding experience that allows you to pass along your knowledge and experience to help others. It is your personal characteristics and experience that will help you guide your mentee toward reaching their goals. There’s no need to […]

Jun 2, 2015

Giving Effective Feedback

Timely and meaningful feedback is essential to fostering a successful health science education program. However, faculty members report that this is one of the most difficult aspects of teaching. How can educators become better at assessing their students and providing nuanced feedback? In this session, Drs. Vokoun and Liu examine feedback skills in simulated cases, […]

Mar 10, 2011