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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: stress

Postdoc Workshops: Wellness

This library of curated wellness events offers training sessions to help postdocs improve their wellness, both personally and in their careers.

Jan 27, 2023

Faculty and staff walking on the UNMC campus

Burnout: It's Time for More Than a Band-Aid

In a national survey, nearly half of physicians experienced one or more symptom of burnout including loss of enthusiasm for work, feelings of cynicism, or inadequacy in personal performance. Unfortunately, the mental well-being of faculty is not always a priority in health care. In this session, you’ll join a discussion on wellness efforts, programs, and strategies […]

Mar 10, 2016

Wellness, Stress Management, and You

In the field of professional health care, workers are placed under very unique stressors that are found in almost no other workplace. As such, more and more attention has been placed at identifying their causes, and more importantly, their effects. In such a high-risk, high-stress career such as health care, there needs to be a […]

Apr 4, 2014