University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Classroom Teaching

Register for The Active Learning Classroom: Directions and Impacts Webinar

ELI Online Event | November 28 | Noon–3:00 p.m. (ET) Active learning spaces have become much more visible over the past several years and their contribution to the teaching and learning mission more widely recognized. But they can also represent significant financial investments, ranging from the wires and gear to the faculty support programs. Join us […]

Oct 26, 2017

Article Plus 5 – October 2017

Spotlight Article As patient needs evolve, the parts that create a functioning health care system often require a tune up. The Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) believes an important part of the framework comes from interprofessional collaboration. This article describes their efforts in creating a travelling program that will help bolster these opportunities for faculty, subsequently improving health care […]

Oct 11, 2017

Imagine Better MCQs with Images

As you construct your next multiple choice examination item, consider how you might be able to assess a student’s understanding of a concept in a novel way by using lab findings, clinical presentations, radiographic findings, written orders, or a photograph of a procedure. ExamSoft, our campus wide testing solution, allows us to use images in […]

Sep 27, 2017

Ten Design Elements of Authentic Learning

Authentic Learning in the classroom helps the students make the connection between the knowledge taught and real world issues, experiments, applications, and problems. The Ten Design Elements of Authentic Learning paint a picture of what authentic learning looks like in the classroom. After reading the design elements, check out the ways that you can use […]

Aug 11, 2017

CATs in the Classroom

Classroom Assessment Techniques, otherwise known as CATs, are simple, content-related activities done during class time. CATs are typically not graded and anonymous to encourage students to work comfortably. CATs should uncover areas where students struggle and reinforce the content they have already mastered. Here is a easy way to incorporate CATs into your classroom: About the […]

Jun 28, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: 9 Tips to Avoid Course Design Failure

You put a lot of effort into creating your course content, but all that could be in vain if your Learning Management System (LMS) — the way the information is delivered to students — isn’t designed well. If done correctly, your LMS can help students stay engaged with you, the content, and each other, rather than wasting […]

Jun 14, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom

Top 10 Reasons to Use the Anatomage Table

The Anatomage Table is a 3-D, life-sized, interactive anatomy tool being incorporated in the some of the world’s leading medical institutions, including the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Utilizing it in your curriculum can be one of the easiest decisions you should ever make. Here are our top 10 reasons to incorporate the Anatomage Table into […]

Jun 14, 2017

Article Plus 5 – June 2017

Spotlight Article Faculty professors and instructors have a lot on their plates, especially when they’re first coming into their new career. The University of Rochester realized this, and created a week-long course specifically designed for those new to the field of education. Their report goes into the various aspects of the curriculum, learner experiences, and the overall […]

Jun 9, 2017

Google Forms How-To

Make life easier!  Google Forms can make a huge difference when trying to use formative feedback data for learning, and/or surveying or collaborating with other professionals. A 20 minute guide by Teacher’s Tech will show you how to: Select questions formats Customize your form look Insert media into your form Review form responses And more!

Jun 5, 2017

Create a YouTube Channel – Here’s Help

Contemporary teaching strategies often involve using videos in Canvas courses, quick phone or tablet videos, and/or MP4 videos made with PowerPoint.  A YouTube channel can help collect and manage your teaching assets. Teacher’s Tech offers you a step-by-step video tutorial on how the create a YouTube channel to share with learners, residents, or other professionals.  This  video will […]

May 20, 2017