Category: Classroom Teaching
Wednesday Wisdom: Learning Through Retrieval Practice (part 2 in education series)
This is part 2 in our 6 part education series and covers learning through retrieval practice. What is retrieval practice? Retrieval practice is quite frankly quizzing. One of the reasons students request practice questions frequently is to test themselves. This has been proven to be an exceptional method for learning resulting in durable retention.1,2 How do […]
Mar 29, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: Enhancing Learning Using Spaced Practice (part 1 in education series)
This is part 1 in our 6 part education series and covers enhancing learning using spaced practice. What is spaced practice? The spacing effect is the phenomenon whereby learning is better when studying is spread out over time, as opposed to studying the same amount of content in a single session. There is significant evidence that spaced practice, […]
Mar 22, 2017

Visualizing Data and Information Made EASY!
In a digital society, an essential skill for leaders and educators is the ability to help the public, learners, and stake holders visualize and understand key information and data – quickly and easily. Venngage in an online product that gives you perfectly designed, professional quality templates – ready for you to add your information in a flash! No more hours […]
Feb 24, 2017

Evidence: Short Peer Instruction During Lectures Helps Learning
Review the Evidence: Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the academic impact of cooperative peer instruction during lecture pauses in an immunology/endocrinology course. Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension. Here’s an easy active learning technique to […]
Feb 23, 2017

Six Simple Ways to “Activate” Your Lecture
Many instructors have heard about “active learning” and likely at some point been implored to incorporate it into their teaching. The term often engenders images of large scale group activities, use of tools that take a great deal of effort to create, or things that are time intensive. At its simplest, “Active Learning” is anything […]
Jan 23, 2017

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Jan. 19, 2017
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features Canvas Video Recorder, Screencastify on Google Chrome, and Kahoot! Check it out at and learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Jan 19, 2017

Using Task Analysis to Create Course Content
Task analysis is an easy way for an instructor to break down and clearly define the course content based on a topic. It is easy and allows you to work through the individual steps that will be necessary to achieve your classroom learning objectives. Watch the short overview video to learn more about task analysis […]
Jan 18, 2017

Getting Students and Residents to THINK
Here are two favorite resources to engage students and residents in a different and creative way – beyond books, journal articles, and facts—to develop thinking, observation, and richer perspectives on the art and practice of healing, health, and wellness. Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine Pulse has an extensive collection of personal accounts of […]
Jan 5, 2017

The activation of prior knowledge is an important activity, especially when your lesson focuses on conceptual knowledge, because it helps students connect the new knowledge gain you are facilitating with concepts they’ve already mastered. Benefits to the student include: Approaching new topics with a sense of confidence Activating long-term memory Identifying new learning needs Benefits to […]
Jan 4, 2017

Need an Image But Short on Time?
Updating or developing a new course can eat up a lot of your time, especially if you are incorporating images. So what are the best ways to maximize your time and still get the images you need? Google images? No, probably not the best answer. Creating your own? Doable, but time consuming. One easy way to […]
Jan 3, 2017

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