Category: Classroom Teaching
Article Plus 5 – December 2016
Spotlight Article What impact will the use of clinical simulation have on the future of our students? In an effort to expand interprofessional collaboration and teamwork, UNMC conducted a program that put volunteer students into high stress, high stakes, but low risk simulation environments. Read this article and see the notable outcomes provided by this pilot program. Article […]
Dec 14, 2016

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Dec. 1, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features Canvas- an overview for instructors, GooseChase, and Explain Everything Check it out at and learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Dec 1, 2016

Article Plus 5 – November 2016
Spotlight Article The non-traditional student and relationship with online learning technology is becoming more and more prevalent in education today. However, some institutions are having some resistance when it comes to fully embracing the idea of online classrooms. Read this paper about overcoming these barriers, specifically at an American university in Lebanon. Article specifics: El Turk, […]
Nov 8, 2016

Has “E-Learning” Become a Negative Word?
The use of “e-learning” has taken on a much bigger spotlight in recent years, and so has the controversy surrounding it. This may in part be due to people’s perception of what exactly e-learning entails. Think about e-learning as the use of electronic media (computers, tables, or phones) to educate learners. It may be called web-based, […]
Nov 1, 2016

7 challenges for clinical educators to CONQUER
Clinical educators can derail in 7 key ways in the clinical setting. Carry this list with you as a reminder: 1. Set clear LEARNING OBJECTIVES and EXPECTATIONS. 2. Teach at the correct LEVEL 3. Focus on PROBLEM SOLVING not fact memorization. 4. Engage learners in ACTIVE DIALOGUE. “Telling” is not learning. 5. Observe and give […]
Oct 18, 2016

Arguably, one of the most essential functions and skills for any teacher in health science education is giving learner feedback. These 5 feedback facts can help make your feedback for more impactful: FEEDBACK is not advice, praise, or evaluation. FEEDBACK is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal. (~Grant Wiggins) […]
Oct 17, 2016

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Oct. 13, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features Blackboard Interactive Rubric, Pixlr and Formative. Check it out and learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Oct 13, 2016

Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) – Minute Paper
As a teacher, you might assume that the course content, readings and lectures have left the students knowing what you wanted them to know. Only to find out later that students did not learn what you wanted them to learn. By having the students complete a Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) immediately after the session, module […]
Oct 12, 2016

Spotlight Article What is distributed medical education, and how is it changing the professional landscape beyond the classroom? By reading this article, you’ll learn about the powerful effects that come from the scope of this alternative curriculum method. Have you felt its effects firsthand in your career as a faculty member or educator? Article specifics: […]
Oct 11, 2016

COPH ED Tech Thursday Newsletter – Oct. 6, 2016
This week the COPH Ed Tech Thursday Newsletter features Blackboard SafeAssign, ThingLink and MS Notepad or Apple Text Edit. Check it out and learn more about the featured tools and how you might use them in the classroom!
Oct 6, 2016

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