Tag: career
Infographic: Signs You’re on the Road to Experiencing the Imposter Phenomenon
High achievers radiate confidence. But lurking behind that self-assurance can be a feeling of inadequacy. Why? Because when you hold yourself to unrealistic or unsustainable standards, you leave yourself open to feeling like a fraud, or an imposter. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may be on the road to experiencing […]
Nov 5, 2019

9 Tips for New Faculty Success
A career in academic health sciences is a different experience than many out there — and it requires careful planning to move forward. For new faculty, understanding the key elements that will help them succeed is pivotal. Check out this infographic explaining what every new faculty member needs to know. Download a printable version.
Sep 20, 2018

Boost Your Leadership Skills – Immediately
The rapid pace of health care requires strong, innovative leaders who are ready to shape the future of UNMC. Yet the many pressures faculty members frequently confront today affect their ability to impact an organization. To provide faculty with the critical leadership skills they need to play a meaningful role, UNMC Faculty Development offers iLEAD. […]
May 28, 2016

You may be sabotaging your career and not even know it. Some phrases you use everyday can be having a negative effect on how people see you. Read this article, “Well Said! Self-Destructive Language,” on phrases to avoid and their friendlier alternatives — you’ll be speaking in a trustworthy fashion in no time at all!
Dec 4, 2015

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