Category: Technology
HEAL: Health Education Assets Library
The University of Utah’s digital asset library is a repository that allows medical educators to discover, download, and re-use over 22,000 medical education resources. The collection provides you with an expansive variety of free materials, perfect for creating visual imagery for course presentations, assignments, and assessments. View the Health Education Assets Library and begin enhancing your […]
Feb 21, 2018

Beyond the Test: Ways to Assess Before It’s Too Late
New curriculum requirements. New accrediting guidelines. Education through simulation. Teaching in the clinic. These are all changing the way faculty need to approach assessment. No longer are traditional, high-stakes multiple choice exams the sure-fire way to know where students are struggling. But how is a faculty member supposed to make this shift? Are there ways […]
Feb 9, 2017

Using iPads in Health Science Education
Technology can be a valuable ally in the classroom. Faculty and students are taking advantage of the power of iPads to make education more interactive, impactful, and ultimately easier to manage. The capabilities that tablets possess are astounding, with applications that streamline note-taking, create charts and graphs, host collaborative workspaces, and so much more — all […]
Dec 21, 2016

How Technology Is Reshaping Education
As blended learning, active learning, faculty and student content creation, and administrative changes take center stage, it is clear that technology has opened new pathways and interactive approaches with and between students. In this discussion, Dr. Julie Youm describes how the iMedEd Initiative at University of California, Irvine School of Medicine (UC Irvine) has served […]
Mar 31, 2016

Connecting the Dots in Health Care Roles: Learning with the EHR
In an already crowded curriculum, how can you incorporate tools to help students develop new skills and enhance classic methods of teaching? Think meaningful integration with electronic health records! By watching this session, you’ll see how the OneChart EDU training environment can be integrated into pre-existing curriculum. With its use, students will be able to […]
Feb 11, 2016

APPtitude for Learning: Using Health Science Apps in the Classroom
It’s a fact — technology, or more specifically, apps, are here to stay… and your students are using them all the time to communicate, get information, and do everyday activities. Why not integrate their already inherent ability to use apps to also help them learn? Watch this workshop to see what kinds of health science mobile […]
Jan 14, 2016

Unlocking the Science of Learning
The science of learning has become a major consideration for health science educators, innovators, and leaders. Understanding the science of learning has become even more critical with the integration of technology in society and education. Watch this session to see a discussion about some of the major challenges in health science education today, as well as the […]
Jan 8, 2016

Lights, Camera, Action: Easy Ways to Build Educational Videos
YouTube. Khan Academy. iTunes U. TEDMed. We are living in a video and image driven society. Today’s student is using video to supplement their own learning — either using UNMC resources or other online sources. Health care is fast-paced, and purposeful use of video can be one of the most effective mediums to engage students […]
May 13, 2015

Flipped Learning 101
How do you teach today’s student to be a competent health professional? This is a question that’s challenged educators for decades — and many people are turning to “flipped learning” to increase students’ retention and skills. But what is flipped learning? Is it hard to do? Does it cost a lot? These are some of […]
Apr 9, 2015

Innovative Apps & Gamification to Promote Learning in Patient Health & Health Care
There have been many new advancements in technology that are promising to change the future of teaching and learning capabilities in health care education. Each year, it seems the possibilities continue to rapidly expand with new innovations and interactive paths for acquiring knowledge. You’ll be shown in this session just what those possibilities mean for […]
Jan 8, 2015

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