University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Technology

Using Technology in Research and Practice to Improve Health Care Outcomes

Technology has proven itself to be a valuable tool in the institution of professional health care. The vast amount of applications, increasing ease of use, remote access capabilities, and the limitless potential for creation all combine to become a powerful resource that can be utilized in medicine. The use of technology benefits not only patients […]

Nov 1, 2013

The Impact of MOOCs in Higher Education

The internet has created the ability to provide free, openly accessible education to learners around the world. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a premier example of delivering learning applications on a global scale, allowing anyone with an internet connection to attain accredited and viable skills. Companies such as Coursera, Udacity, edX, and Khan Academy […]

Aug 23, 2013

Beyond the Classroom: Social Media in Health Science Education

The internet has become part of our day-to-day lives, but its application in health care has led to new possibilities for hospitals, professionals, and patients. Advancing technologies have provided ways for sharing information broadly, quickly, and easily — opening doors to a wealth of knowledge exchange and student engagement. This session highlights applications of social media at […]

Apr 12, 2012

Effective Lecture Design and Delivery

Despite what some people think, giving lectures can be no easy task and, just because you’ve sat through a lecture, doesn’t make you an expert at giving one. This session anchors your lecture to learning objectives, uses order and flow to tell a story, shows examples of lecture approaches, explore the role of software in […]

Oct 15, 2009
