Tag: coaching
THRIVE: Success strategies for the modern-day faculty member
A new resource is available to help faculty succeed! THRIVE is a collection of more than 50 ideas for fast, focused professional development, created by experts across UNMC — the people who walk in your shoes. One- to two-page briefs were designed to be absorbed and implemented immediately in your work as an educator, clinician, […]
Oct 16, 2019

Performance Reviews: Try the GROW Coaching Model
Performance review season is coming up and leaders may benefit from using COACHING techniques for better outcomes. The GROW model is outlined below with some sample coaching questions to incorporate into the dialogue. Goal(s) What would you like to get out of this discussion? What would be the most helpful for you to take away […]
Feb 15, 2018

Coaching: Developing Faculty and Academic Talent
COACHING for peak professional performance is making a strong appearance in academic health science organizations. But, use of the word coaching can be confusing with so many applications including life coaching, academic coaching, and peer coaching. The following infographic offers a snapshot of the defining features of TALENT DEVELOPMENT COACHING. Talent coaching is an investment in […]
Oct 10, 2017

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