Tag: unconscious bias
Infographic: 7 Ways Your Brain Can Stop You From Recruiting the Right Candidate
Whether or not you’re aware of it, you make thousands of decisions every day—around 35,000, to be exact. In any given moment, our brains are bombarded with tons of information that must be quickly processed, informing our decisions, both big and small. So, to keep up and be efficient, our brains take mental shortcuts. These […]
Dec 17, 2020

THRIVE: Success strategies for the modern-day faculty member
A new resource is available to help faculty succeed! THRIVE is a collection of more than 50 ideas for fast, focused professional development, created by experts across UNMC — the people who walk in your shoes. One- to two-page briefs were designed to be absorbed and implemented immediately in your work as an educator, clinician, […]
Oct 16, 2019

Someone Like Me: A Look at Our Unconscious Biases
Use this captivating TED video to enrich your teaching discussions about unconscious bias in our work and world. Then, join UNMC’s Faculty Development dialogue on June 8, 2017, where we will examine how fast-brain thinking can impact how you respond to people and situations.
Aug 3, 2016

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