Category: Career Development
Design Thinking 101
Critical thinking is a key part of being a successful academic and health care professional. However, approaching problems through the lens of analysis and pragmatism can often stand in the way of true innovation. By constantly examining all the ways a solution could go wrong in order to determine if it is the right approach, […]
Oct 10, 2019

How to Use Social Media to Advance Your Career
Social media has quickly grown to be one of the fastest ways for clinicians, researchers, and other health care professionals to share their work, connect with colleagues, inform the public, and even advance their careers. But building up your social network doesn’t happen overnight. Watch this workshop for guidance in creating and curating a social […]
Oct 10, 2019

Podcasts: A Start to Finish Roadmap
The popularity of podcasts is booming. After all, what’s not to like about portable, just-in-time learning that can be done while driving or exercising? Coming up with a great topic for your own podcast can be easy—it’s the execution that can be tricky if you don’t have a clear path. Watch this session as we outline a […]
Aug 14, 2019

Don’t Let Them Walk the Plank: Strategies for Effective Onboarding
Onboarding plays an important role in whether or not a faculty member is well prepared to succeed in their new job. Yet it is an area that may sometimes receive little attention. In this session, Dr. Vicki Kennel offers insights and strategies on how to effectively onboard your new faculty and why it is so important to do […]
Jun 13, 2019

How to Be a Better Mentee
The mentoring process is a two-way street where each individual has their own role. This will require you — the mentee — to take responsibility and be actively involved. In this session, Dr. Rowen Zetterman explains the ins and outs of mentoring and what mentees can do to get the most meaningful experience possible. Key Presenter Rowen K. […]
Apr 23, 2019

Mastering Polarity Thinking
Discover ways to add “both/and” thinking to your toolbox Which comes first, your professional life or your personal life? Clinical excellence or research excellence? Mission or margin? They both do. As health care professionals, our thinking skills tend toward linear/technical problem solving that breaks issues into parts to solve them. However, many of life’s complex […]
Apr 4, 2019

Building a Department Mentoring Program for New Faculty
Having a mentor is pivotal to help new faculty members grow in their career. But many new faculty may not even know where to start to find a mentor – that’s where an established mentoring program comes in. In this session, Dr. Shannon Boerner explains the steps you can take to create a mentoring program for new […]
Mar 14, 2019

Pathways for Innovation: Partnerships Between Academia & Industry
Myths, Realities, and Possibilities! Partnerships with industry can expedite the creation and availability of health care technologies and drugs, but knowing the risks, opportunities, and processes that support innovation is essential. Watch this session with UNMC experts featuring ways to leverage the UNMC resources that will support your career and innovations. We also examine cases […]
Mar 14, 2019

Difficult Conversations: Conversations that Connect
Uncertainty, confusion, and fear can lead to difficult conversations in health care. When speaking with patients in their vulnerable moments, health care providers need skills that enable them to relate to patients, express compassion, avoid misunderstandings, and make patients feel supported and heard. Watch this session as Dr. Belinda Fu shows how to develop skills […]
Feb 8, 2019

The Art of Thinking on Your Feet: Advanced Communication Skills Workshop
While interactions with patients, peers, and loved ones can be structured, they are never scripted … and health care professionals need to have finely honed communications skills to deal with all types of situations. Our advanced communication skills workshops provide strategies to enhance on-the-spot thinking, hone your instincts to accurately read emotions and intent, and […]
Oct 10, 2018

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