University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: DEI


24th & Glory – A Conversation with Dirk Chatelain

The story of significant American social movements told through the lens of the North Omaha community and the prominent characters who lived there. Reference.

Jun 6, 2024

The Women who Built Omaha: Speaker Eileen Wirth

This event is cosponsored by Office of Faculty Development, UNMC Library, and Offices of Inclusion and Equity Eileen Wirth, professor emeritus of journalism at Creighton University and senior writer for Legacy Preservation in Omaha, recently released a new book. The Women who Built Omaha shares the history of groundbreaking women, especially in health care, who […]

Mar 15, 2024

Mitigating Bias in Narrative Assessment and Recommendation Letters

This session is cosponsored by the Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity Letters of Recommendation are essential components of applications throughout academia. They are also written by and about humans, making them inherently prone to bias. Through this session, faculty members will learn to mitigate bias in letters of recommendation, understand […]

Mar 14, 2024

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A Seat at the Table: Strategies for Women to Advance

This session is cosponsored by UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity. This session will help participants 1) Review the current state of women in medical leadership, 2) Identify potential barriers for getting to “the table”, and 3) Learn to establish yourself as a valuable member of the table, use your […]

Feb 29, 2024

Creating Inclusive High-Performing (Academic/Healthcare) Teams in the Age of Hybrid Work

Session Cosponsored by UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity In the new normal of hybrid teamwork, leaders and managers are tasked with the development of methods for improving connection and engagement among employees. This workshops will provide you the tips and tools to improve team cohesion, decision-making effectiveness, and performance.

Jan 25, 2024

The Words We Say Matter: Empowering Students in the Classroom

In these turbulent times, it can be a challenge to navigate classroom dialogue. What can I say? What can’t I say? How do I facilitate meaningful conversation? The facilitators will lead active conversations exploring strategies that support open dialogue in the classroom. Session PowerPoint *Note: To access the Zoom recoding, please use this passcode: kcS^WJ.8 […]

Oct 3, 2023

InnovatED Symposium Presentations 2023: Keynote on AI

The InnovatED Symposium included presentations on AI usage in education, inclusive classroom strategies, improving assessments and learner outcomes, techniques to improve engagement and learning, and incorporating simulation into curriculum.

Sep 28, 2023

Man stands at a podium giving a presentation

Strategies for Adopting and Advancing Holistic Admissions Review

This workshop will present the role of holistic review in mission-based admissions. Attendees will gain practical strategies for how to identify the core values of their program for the balanced assessment of academic and non-academic attributes. Presenters will share tools for developing standardized prompts and rubrics for use across various assessment techniques, such as virtual […]

Sep 19, 2023

Carrying out the ITEACH Values: Supporting Your Students with Accommodations

Session cosponsored by UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity. Requests for accommodations in health sciences higher education have been on the rise. Often, accommodations are unfamiliar to faculty who have not yet had a student who has had accommodations in their courses. The implementation of accommodations often takes innovation, teamwork, […]

Aug 17, 2023

Equitable, Valuable, & Readable: How to Write An Outstanding Letter of Recommendation

Session co-sponsored by the UNMC Office of Faculty Development and Offices of Inclusion and Equity Letters of recommendation (LOR) serve an essential role throughout the academic physician’s career, from residency applications to faculty promotion. Many faculty writing these letters, particularly junior-level academicians, may have little information on what a letter should include or how they can […]

Mar 28, 2023